Claims Provable In Bankruptcy Claims Provable In Rehabilitation And Other、Income Before Minority InterestsCI、Loss Gain On Disposal Of Noncurrent Assets OpeCF他2件

年度Claims Provable In Bankruptcy Claims Provable In Rehabilitation And OtherIncome Before Minority InterestsCILoss Gain On Disposal Of Noncurrent Assets OpeCF特別償却準備金剰余金の配当
2009/03-----78百万 赤拡
2010/0330百万 -9.1%----78百万 ±0%
2011/0330百万 ±0%10.8億---65百万 赤縮
2012/0330百万 ±0%----104百万 赤拡
2013/03-----133百万 赤拡
2016/03---99百万 -12.4%-
2017/03---82百万 -17.2%-
2018/03---66百万 -19.5%-
2019/03---49百万 -25.8%-
2020/03---33百万 -32.7%-
2021/03--342百万16百万 -51.5%-
2022/03---3百万 赤転--
2023/03--2百万 黒転--
2024/03--31百万 大幅増--